
Mostrando entradas de marzo, 2017

Thursday 23 march 2017

This class started with a web 2.0 video this was trying to explain what web 2.0 is about, then the teacher guided us to create our blog in Blogger so we put what we did each class. This should be written over the weekend. Each one created his Blog, put this name and a description of the Blog and of course a personalized theme to the Blog. HERE IS THE WEB 2.0 VIDEO :

Tuesday 21 march 2017

The class began with a video.documentary about the Colombia Sleccion, then the teacher give each one a test of learning style, in this we should mark yes or not to each of the affirmations that were there, then the teacher give us a few questions to respond in group according to a Word document but that same class didn't end and the teacher proposed to bring the cuestionnaire resolved the next class. HE IS A VIDEO OF LEARNING STYLES :