
Mostrando entradas de mayo, 2017


PRESENTATIONS. GROUP #5: David, Fernada, Luisa, Yilver Subject: adjectives Drama Activity: costumes PRESENTATION Warm up: they give us photocopies in which they had caricatures and we should write the name of each one of them Introduction: they explained to us about the adjectives in English. Practice: in practice we look for in the internet a page called AgendaWeb in which we did an activity related to the subject. Producction: here they given to us some costumes of some characters and we should find the person who had the same character. Review: they give us a homework about the subject. GROUP #6: Nicolle, Alejandra, Yorlexi and Tania Subject : countries, nationalities and laguages Drama Activity: puppets PRESENTATION Warm up: the class begin with the game called Broken Phone Introduction: we talked abuot the nationalities, languafes and countries. Practice: in this part we put a video, we asked about the video and we give them some photoc


We continue with presentations GROUP #3: Santiago, Maria Jose and Melanie Drama Activity: Freeze frame Subject: daily routine Warm up: we play heads up Introduccion: they told us about the rutines of the day. Practice: they give us photocopies where had images with daily routines weshould write their names in english. Production we had to guess the name of the rutines in group Review: in this part hey showed us a video with the topic. GROUP#4: Natalia, Cristian and Nicolas. Drama activity: roll on the wall Subject: parts of the house Presentation Warm up: they give us a part of the house and then we had to write wht we could of that part. Introduction: they talked us about parts if the house and somethings that you can find there. Practice: they give us photocopies and we had to identify them Production: they use the Roll ono the Wall Review: we had to write things about the parts of the house.


In this class begin with the presentations GROUP #1: Alejandro, Tatiana and Ana Maria Subjec: profession and occupation Drama Activity:Props presentation: warm up: they give us photocopies with the lyrics of a song with incomplete phrases. Introduction: they talked about professions and occupations sunch as: actor,chaf. dentisr, nurse, teacher and others. Practice: we talked with our partners about our parents profession or occupation. Production: in this part they pick some partners to  dress up with a costume, and they talked abuot theprofession. Review: we had toidentify the profession and occupation of some pictures. GROUP #2: Mauricio, Laura and Maria Paula Subjest: Parts of the city. Drama Activity Strategy: Magic carpet. PRESENTATION Warm up: theystarted with a game called snake, we should write verbs on the board were two teasms. Introduccion: they talked about some different parts of the city. Practice: they g


In this class the teacher gave us some tips or steps to be able to do our class with the group that corresponded to us, the steps are as follows and the time that should last.   ↓ Warm up: it consists of making a ctivity so that the student is going to enter the subject that is going to be treated in a more didactic way. 5 minutes Introduction: in the introduction we explain the chosen theme 10 minutes Practice: students are given an activity where they develop the topic that has just been explained. 10 minutes Production: in this part we use the way we chose to teach such as the magic. The time you need.  Revision: this is only if it does not reach the predetermined time and it is necessary, it is filled with an activity. 5 minutes